Thursday, August 14, 2008

Down With Diets

1. You can be any shape you want, if you diet hard enough.Although you can morph your body by losing or gaining weight and muscle, you can't do a complete makeover and, like, turn round shoulders into bony points. If you don't believe it, take a good look at the different shapes around you. Bodies are genetically determined and can usually be classified into four categories:

* The Pear normally has narrow shoulders, a small chest and an average waist. On pear shapes, extra weight usually gathers on the hips and thighs.

* The Box looks, well, boxy, with not much of a visible waistline. On box shapes, extra weight concentrates at the waist.

* The Inverted Triangle has broad shoulders and narrow hips. On the triangle, extra weight hangs out in the chest.

*The Hourglass has broad hips, a full chest and a small waist. On the hourglass, extra weight crowds the chest and hips.

If you can't tell whether your generous hips come from genetics ot them eating too many Big Macs, check out your mom, grandmas, aunts, cousins and sisters next time you're stuffed into a room with them. And try to be realistic about what you look like, who you are and what your body goals are.

2. Snacking makes you gain weight.Actually, snacking can be really good for you-if you make smart choices*. Did you know that it's totally normal-not to mention healthy-to eat at least every four hours? (If you don't, you might plow through an entire can of Pringles the second you get home). Plus, healthy afternoon snacks boost your energy, which can ultimately help you concentrate better by maintaining your blood-sugar level.

3. Fat-free foods are always healthier.Reduced-fat foods are trickly because they make you think you can scarf down double the amount. But just because something is fat-free does not mean it's calorie-free. In fact, when the fat level goes down in a food, the sugar level often skyrockets to compensate tastewise. And since excess sugar calories can turn into fat in your body, you're better off eating foods that are naturally lower in both fat and refined sugar in the first place, like fresh fruit , dried fruit, pretzels, veggies, nuts and seeds.

4. Eating breakfast just makes you eat more all day.When you skip meals, your metabolism actually slows down (translation: fewer calories are burned), and research shows this is why breakfast bailers are more likely to be overweight than breakfast eaters. Sorry to sound like your mother, but you really need to jump-start your metabolism in the morning, and the best way to do that is by eating. Other reasons to eat in the morning? you'll be able to concentrate more in the late morning, work more efficiently and avoid feeling irritable, short-tempered and feeble during the afternoon.

5. Fat is bad.Believe it or not, fat is not the enemy. Fat gives you energy, cushions your body organs, regulates your body temperature, absorbs vitamins, makes you feel full and produce hormones. If you refuse to eat any fat, you could stop menstruating, and that would mean major trouble. Plus, a totally fat-depleted diet can cause you to develop flaky skin, dry hair, brittle nails, and to feel tired, cold, bloated and hungry. To be healthy and even lose weight, you must eat fat-the right kind of fat, that is. Healthful fats include those contained in nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil and canola oil. Unhealthful fats include artificial and man-made fats, like hydrogenated margarine, vegetable shortening and processed vegetable oils. So what's the moral here? Go for low-fat, not no fat.

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